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Ng Boon Gan黄文彦

About Me

Ng Boon Gan黄文彦

I am trained to litigate business disputes, but I prefer to prevent business disputes by designing contracts to close off certain issues, or resolve business disputes by mediation and negotiation, so that everyone can move on instead of fighting each other.

I am a fan of Roger Fisher and Chris Voss because they taught me how to settle business disputes systematically and economically, and applying their principles I have managed to reach a settlement rate for about 75% of my cases.

I am effectively bilingual in English and Chinese, whether written or spoken.

I am also a member of the following organisations:

I was called to the Singapore Bar in 2015, and also hold the following certifications:

  • Mediation Advocate by International Mediation Institute
  • Certificate in Business Chinese Translation by the Singapore Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry

Some of the work that I have done includes:

  • Preparing a shareholders’ agreement for the Singaporean subsidiary of a Norwegian tech company
  • Negotiating to protect the interests of a Singaporean events company in a partial sale to a UK events company
  • Defending a Singaporean holding company’s directors against claims of fraud and breach of trust in respect of Indonesian business interests
  • Settling a claim against a lift maintenance company for defects and outstanding repairs exceeding 6 digits through mediation


Ng Boon Gan LL.B.,

National University of Singapore
Called to the Singapore Bar since 2015
[email protected]


  • 通过合约,防范纠纷引起
  • 通过商谈、和解以尽早解决纠纷




  • 国际调解中心调解中保
  • 新加坡中华总商会商业实用商业翻译技能证书


  • 为挪威科技公司的新加坡子公司起草合股合约
  • 为新加坡展览公司股份部分销售给英国公司进行商谈、起草销售、合股合约
  • 代表新加坡投资公司的董事,反抗关于印尼投资事项而引起的欺诈、违信的诉讼
  • 通过庭外和解解决价值6位数的电梯故障、修理纠纷


Ng Boon Gan LL.B.,

[email protected]

Need Help With A Legal Dispute? 需要关于解决纠纷的法律咨询?

If you have any questions relating to business dispute prevention or how to settle a business dispute in Singapore, feel free to email or drop me a LinkedIn message. I will do my best to respond within 24 hours.

Or leave a message here (your personal particulars will not be shared with third parties without your permission).



Need Help With A Legal Dispute? 需要关于解决纠纷的法律咨询?